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Philip Muravyov
Philip Muravyov

The Block Image

If your client views your page on a mobile device, they'll see a thumbnail image in place of the Splash video. The reason we do this is that automatically streaming video consumes data. So to avoid doing that on your clients' mobile devices, we replace the video with a static image.

The Block image

The best ratio for a Splash image is 16 x 9. If you use an image that's 1600 pixels wide by 900 pixels high, most of it will fit on an average-size desktop monitor. But keep in mind that the Splash Block is meant as a flexible background element. Your Splash image (or video) will recrop automatically on smaller and mobile screens.

Previously, WordPress used a text area with editing buttons as its default editor. One particular issue in the old editor was image alignment. It could be difficult to get things lined up correctly on your WordPress website.

If your image is smaller in width, then aligning it to the left or right will bring up text next to the image. Aligning it to the center will display the image on its own row with no text on either side.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add and align images in the WordPress block editor. You may also want to see our guide on how to optimize images to speed up WordPress and the best design software.

I have been using wordpress for years but have been a bit absent lately. Gutenberg is a headspin. I follow these instructions but simply cannot align images in an image/text block. When I go to preview the image is aligned extreme hard left of the page with no margin at all. Any solutuions on offer?Thanks!!

An AsciiDoc block image macro is used to embed the source file of an image into a partial or page.The block image macro accepts the Antora resource ID of PNG, JPG, SVG, and GIF (static and animated) image files as a value.

When Antora runs, the image file referenced by the block image macro is embedded and displayed as a discrete element in the published page.For example, the SVG image below this paragraph is embedded in this page using the block image macro.

Enter the resource ID of the target image file directly after the two colons.In this example, both console.svg and satellites.adoc belong to the same component version and module and the target image is stored at the root of the images family directory.Therefore, only the filename and extension of console.svg needs to be assigned as the value of the block image macro.

I'm uploading a series of three images (that build a concept through successive steps and images) in the Process block. However, the first image in the series always gets uploaded as a black-and-white image. The subsequent two images upload without any problem (that is, with color as intended). I've tried png and jpeg versions of the images, and I've deleted the block and started afresh multiple times. However, the first image continues to get uploaded as a black-and-white one. Any ideas on what I could do?

Hi Crystal, thanks for getting back. I've tried that image and the subsequent two images (that build on the same concept) in a different image block too. The problem persists. I've also tried different displays (Mac and non-mac) but the issue persists. It's quite possibly something that I'm not picking up.

You can add a link to the image using the Insert Link icon () on the Block toolbar. You can link the image to the media file itself, link to the WordPress attachment page for that file, or enter in a custom URL for the link using the provided edit field.

Alternative Text can be added to your image using the Alt Text field. You can also select a style for your image. Your image will display with square corners by default, but you can also show your image with a rounded mask by selecting the Rounded style.

If you want to change the size of your image, there are a number of ways to do it. You can use the Width and Height fields to set the exact pixel width of your image, or you can use the percentage buttons (e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) to change the width accordingly. Alternatively, you can also select the size from the Image size dropdown field. The default WordPress image sizes are available to select (e.g. Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size), and depending on your theme, you may also have other sizes available to you as well.

You can also change the size of the image using the drag handles on the image itself, within the block. Simply position your cursor over one of the blue dots that appears on the edge of the image and then click and drag the image to the size that you want.

When resizing your images, it's always best to only reduce the size, and not enlarge. If you add a small image to your block, and then increase the size, the image will become pixelated and wont appear crisp when viewing your page.

Clicking the Apply duotone filter icon () allows you to add a coloured filter over the top of your image. Duotone filters affect the shadows and highlights of your image and work best on high-contrast images.

Simply add the image from the Upload Files tab, then select it in the Media Library tab. Customizing the image attachment details, such as the Title, Caption, Alt Text, and Description, in the Media Library window can also be helpful for SEO and future navigation of your media library.

Alternatively, on the right-hand side in the Block Settings, the image size can be fine-tuned by adjusting width and height dimensions. There are also some convenient options in the block settings for setting the image to 100, 75, 50, and 25% of its original size.

So, If you copy and paste an image from a resource like Google Docs, a button will appear on the toolbar to upload it to the media library. Click that, and it will stay in the post, but also upload to your media library.

Image control is used to upload image file and store an array value with image info for the block. This control uses the native WordPress Media Popup to handle the upload and selection process. See examples below to use this control.

We have a block that somehow was inserted into many of our drawings. The block name is layers. When I use Quick Select to identify where the are in Model Space it shows the grips but no image. When I exit the Quick Select command to then try selecting the block with a crossing pattern, there's nothing there. The attached image is showing that there are 6 instances of this block in this particular drawing. Once I delete them and try to purge they don't show up in the purge dialog box.

If you are looking for a slick and stylish WordPress Gutenberg theme that works smoothly with the Getwid Blocks plugin, we recommend that you go with the official Getwid Base Starter theme. The theme comes with all block samples designed to suit its design out of the box.

After installing the newest update to Getwid, I can no longer modify specific hotspots on the same image, including using different icons and modifying the content, once the hotspot has been created. Luckily I had backed up my site prior to updating, so was able to go back to the previous version. Please fix.

I had a similar image with image hotspots. Once I created the block and made it be a reusable block, it was no longer editable. I had to remove the block from Reusable Blocks and then make the edit to all the pages where I had installed that dynamic block.

The normal way to access files on a disk is to mount the file system(s) on the disk. In the case of the mount program, the filename used must be that of a block device file. Regular files are not block devices but you can get the mount program to use them if you make them available via a loopback block device.

losetup attached the image file to /dev/loop0 and I assumed there was a /dev/loop01 first partition device that could be used by mount. Apparently not. Instinct might lead you to suspect it just has another name. You might remember you can use fdisk -l to see the device names for partitions:

Well, there are probably other things we could do but the losetup program has a feature that can help here. If you knew where a partition was located on a disk then you could use the offset option to change the mapping between locations in the loop device and locations in the image file.

You can dump the partition table as-is from the disk image, as in the example above by attaching the whole image file to a loop device and using fdisk -u -l /dev/loop0 (etc). Accessing the image via a loop device just to get the partition table so that you can set it up on another loop device is not necessary. fdisk does not require the target object to be a block device so you can use fdisk -u -l /path/to/disk.img fdisk will complain that you must tell it the number of cylinders on the device but it will dump the partition table anyway:

The useful part is in the last Start and Blocks columns. The 63 in the Start column for the first partition is the logical block address of the first sector of the partition and the Blocks column is the number of logical blocks in the partition. Logical blocks are usually sectors and sectors are normally 512 bytes. You should confirm that for any disk image you work with, see below for an example where the sector size was not 512 and how to deal with it.

When you umount the file system and re-use it on the system it came from then the bad.dll file will no longer exist. Regardless of the existence of the loop device, this ability to mount many different native and non-native file system on Linux from physical disks as well as disk image files is a really good reason to have a USB housing you can plug physical disks into, e.g. a USB to ATA or a USB to SATA adapter. Or, to carry a bootable Linux rescue system on a CD or even a USB thumb drive.

The loop device can use sparse files. A sparse file means a file where only the blocks that have actually been written to are committed storage on the disk. For example, you can use dd to create a 1TB sparse file that occupies only a few kilobytes of disk:

That creates a file called /tmp/somefile by writing a single 1024 bytes block at the location 1073741824 times 1024 bytes into the file. Basically that writes the last 1kB of a 1TB file. The preceding blocks are not written at all and no disk space is committed for them. They can be read but the contents of them will be undefined, probably all zero bytes: 041b061a72


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    Philip Muravyov
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